The Ups and Downs of Insulin Resistance

When you’re insulin resistant i.e. you have metabolic syndrome, pretty much every chemical in the body is NOT QUITE RIGHT.  Some are up.  Some are down.  Few are actually at physiologically NORMAL levels. 

Traditionally the focus is on the big guns.

·        Insulin

·        Sugar

·        And cholesterol

In this series, we’ll take a look at some of the other players.

Who they are, what they’re up to and how they’re part of the state of insulin resistance.

In this video, we look at nitric oxide, which when you’re insulin resistant, are typically, lower than ideal, particularly in blood vessels.  This is a big deal, because nitric oxide, is a vasodilator i.e. it opens up blood vessels…. ………… to facilitate deliveries.


No nitric oxide, causes delivery problems.


Shortages also cause vascular remodelling and platelet aggregation, increasing the chance of a cardiovascular event.   


Fortunately, there a multiple ways, to boost nitric oxide availability.


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